As a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to serving and assisting our military Veterans and their families in North Central Washington and the Wenatchee River Valley, VFW Post 3617 has a long tradition of supporting our nation’s heroes, as well as assisting and supporting our local communities, from Leavenworth, Cashmere, Entiat, Malaga, Wenatchee, Orondo, Bridgeport, Mansfield, Waterville, Rock Island and East Wenatchee.
Our Post Service Officer can provide veterans with free benefit counseling, and can also provide financial aid to Veterans in need. We engage in programs that promote patriotism to our youth and to our schools, as well as support and participate in many ongoing community programs.
It is our hope that this site will allow you to explore the many ways in which our Post works to fulfill the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Mission Statement:
“To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.”
Local Resources
Elwood “Bud” Link VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC)
2530 Chester Kimm Road
Wenatchee, WA 98801-8130
Douglas County Veteran Service Officer, Sarah Simonson
110 2nd St NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Chelan County Veteran Service Officer, John Tamngin
428 Orondo Ave
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Recent News
- Quilts of Valor – Dr. Erich JurgesJust last week, the VFW was invited to attend a Quilts of Valor presentation to Dr. Erich Jurges, a Navy veteran and owner of Sagebrush Dental. Dr. Jurges grew up in Bremerton, WA and then went on to earn a degree in Systems Engineering from the United States Naval Academy. … More Quilts of Valor – Dr. Erich Jurges
- WA Army National Guard in the Wenatchee ValleyBack in June, in conjunction with Pangborn’s annual Festival of Flight, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the former Executive Flight building to welcome its new tennants, Army Aviation Support Facility 2 (AASF-2), formerly located at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane. The build has been renamed to reflect … More WA Army National Guard in the Wenatchee Valley
- Winter AdventuresWe weren’t slowing down in December…. Adopted Unit Holiday Party Our VFW Post has officially adopted the new Army National Guard (ANG) unit recently assigned to Pangborn Airport. ANG Charlie Company 1-112th Security & Support is an aviation unit flying UH-72 Lakota helicopters in support of DEA, Border Patrol, and … More Winter Adventures
- VFW Magazine is Going All DigitalDue to the rising costs associated with printing and mailing a physical copy of the VFW Magazine to all of its members, VFW National is gradually moving to a digital-only format. This process started in January of 2024, with certain issues being printed and mailed while other issues were only … More VFW Magazine is Going All Digital
- November HappeningsBeing the “month for veterans” there was quite a bit we were involved in this past November… Here’s just a few tidbits… Military/Veterans Night with the Wenatchee Wild November 8th was the Annual Veterans and Military Appreciation Night with the Wenatchee Wild at the Town Toyota Center (TTC). The team … More November Happenings
- Thank You Denny’s!On Veterans Day, there are many restaraunts in our area that offer free meals to veterans. This has become a common thing, but very few truly appreciate the meaning of the day and the people under the Veteran caps. We would like to take this moment to give a special … More Thank You Denny’s!