Being part of the community means working WITH the community.
Below are some of the organizations in our community that we have partnered with for various projects, fundraising, and other opportunities.
Through grants from the Home Depot Foundation, and with support from the volunteers from Home Depot, we have been able to complete a number of home improvement projects for Veterans and families in need, such as new fencing, irrigation work, ramps, accessible showers, and more. We look forward to continuing this partnership in the years to come.
Operation Ramp It Up provides residential wheelchair access ramps for veterans. Through our contacts at the Snohomish VFW Post 921, we are able to coordinate delivery of ramp materials when needed, and out volunteers put the ramp together.

The Wenatchee post of the American Legion is located in downtown Wenatchee. Since we are both Veteran Service Organizations, we work together to provide activities and services for our area veterans.

Newly established, the Wenatchee High JROTC students often provide color guard details for local events as part of their extracurricular activities. We also sponsor an annual VFW award for outstanding students in the program.

The Pangborn Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol also provides color guard details for local events when needed. We also recognize exemplary cadets with annual VFW awards.
We are proud to partner with other folks around the Wenatchee Valley, including but not limited to:
- Wenatchee Valley Veterans Hall
- Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
- Washington Youth Academy