We host and participate in a number of events both at our Post Home as well as in the community. Below are some of our upcoming events.
If you are holding an event and would like our participation or support, or you are interested in using our Hall, please contact us.
Community Coffee at the Post

Every Friday morning, we open our post to the community, including any and all veterans, family members, and interested persons who might want to join us for coffee, donuts, and an informal meeting where we cover some upcoming events and news.
Interested in joining our post? Come to this event and ask about membership. Just looking to hang out with members of our VFW and Auxiliary? We’ve got you!
Vietnam War Veterans Day

A celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War will take place on March 29, 2025 at Wenatchee Valley College in the Student Rec Center starting at 2pm.
Sponsored by all the veteran organizations in our area, the celebration will honor every Vietnam veteran from Chelan and Douglas counties that were killed during the conflict. Additionally, a special thank you to the military nurses that cared for our wounded will take place.
The Apollo Club and Wenatchee Orchestra will perform.
Color and Honor Guards from Wenatchee Valley VFW and the American Legion will be presenting colors and providing a rifle salute during the program.
Wenatchee and East Wenatchee Mayors will be presenting a 50th Anniversary pin to those qualifying veterans in attendance.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Business Meeting

Monthly business meeting for Post membership.
Our meetings are being held in a hybrid format (both in person and via Zoom). If you’d like to join from the comfort of home, please send a message to webmaster@vfwpost3617.org for the Zoom login details.