On March 12th , we made a visit out to the new Army National Guard Aviation Unit stationed at Pangborn Memorial Airport, also known as Army Aviation Support Facility #2 (AASF-2). We were greeted by Captain Taylor Payne and Chief Warrant Officer (CW4) Cody Eastman of Charlie Co., 1st Battalion, 112th Aviation.

The unit numbers about 75 soldiers on drill weekend duty, and maintains a core of about 15 permanent officers and NCOs that work and live here in the Valley. The aviation unit flies UH-72 Lakota helicopters in support of their mission to support DEA, Homeland Security, and firefighting operations.
We were also able to view a Lakota as it was undergoing a Phase Inspection to check for wear & tear of components and air worthiness. Sergeant Julia Akova, who is a mechanic for the helicopters, briefed us on what she does to maintain these critical assets for the Army and local agencies.

Some additional photos shared from attending members:

After the insightful tour, we had our Quarterly Luncheon at the Olive Garden in East Wenathcee with 17 Post and Auxiliary members in attendance. Everyone enjoyed the chance to gather and share a meal.