Refreshments and Conversation at Nason Creek Rest Area

In something that has become a sort of annual tradition for our Auxiliary, we spend a few days each year offering coffee, snacks, and friendly conversation to travelers making their way over Stevens Pass that decide to stop at Nason Creek Rest Area.

We don’t charge for these treats, but we graciously accept donations for the Auxiliary Family and Veterans Support fund, allowing us to continue doing what we do best, caring for our Veterans and their families.

This year, we spent 4 days up at Nason Creek Rest Area, Aug 27-30, handing out coffee, cookies and good conversation to the travelling public as they stopped for a break while making their way over Stevens Pass. The weather was perfect, except for the first day, as we welcomed visitors from all over the world, including from Europe, Canada, and Mexico!

Shore Patrol Jeep at Nason Creek rest area.Annabelle, our Shore Patrol Jeep, was there as well greeting the public. The veterans that did stop by were thrilled to see the jeep and a few even crawled in the driver’s seat for a photo. We were fortunate to have a friend of Jo Cadwallader, who lives by Fish Lake, allow us to park the jeep and transport trailer at his house overnight during the week so we didn’t have to return it to Wenatchee nightly. It saved us a lot of time and miles. Thanks Mike & Kim for letting us store Annabelle on your property!

And a huge thanks to all of the volunteers who made this possible! With your help in the form of donating cookies and snacks, helping to prepare the items for handout, and giving your time to be present on site during the timeframe, we raised over $1,000 this year! A huge boost to our coffers as we have not been able to do this in the last few years due to COVID restrictions. The volunteers, both Auxiliary and Post members, did a fantastic job! Thanks for the help, and let’s do it again next summer!