Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest

Washington wm web 21 300x244
2021 first place winner from Department of Washington

Each year more than 4,000 high school students from across the country participate in the VFW Auxiliary’s Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest which now extends beyond flat artworks into 3-dimensional art as well.

The first place winner from each state competes for national awards totaling $37,000 (or $5,500 for 3-D art).


  • Open to all students in grades 9-12 who are enrolled in a public, private, parochial or home study program in the United States.
  • Student must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national.
  • Does not have to be related to a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member to participate, but the student must attend school in the same state as the sponsoring VFW Auxiliary.


  • Two-dimensional art must be on canvas or paper. Watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen, ink, oil, marker or other media taught may be used.
  • Do not frame two-dimensional art.
  • Submit canvas entries on stretcher frames or canvas board; other entries must be matted on white or reinforced with heavy paper.
  • The art should be no smaller than 8” x 10” but no larger than 18” x 24”, including mat.
  • Three dimensional art can be paper, papier-mâché, pottery, clay, metal work, fabric, etc.
  • Pieces should be no larger than 18” in any direction.
  • Art cannot be more than 5 lbs. in weight.
  • Digital art, photography, 3-D printed art, and jewelry are not accepted.
  • Submit a typed explanation of patriotism expressed in art (250 words or less).

How to Enter

Create your art according to the rules above, and submit it to our Post Auxiliary before 31 March 2025 along with a completed [Creative Patriotic Art Entry Form] or [3-D Patriotic Art Entry Form]. Feel free to contact us to make arrangements for pick-up or drop-off.