Annual Veterans Picnic

Date: 14 September 2025
Time: 11:00 - 15:00
Location: Walla Walla Point Park, Shelter #1
Includes Food | Veterans & Family

All veterans and active duty military members and their families are invited to join VFW Post 3617 and American Legion Post 10 as they host their annual picnic at Walla Walla Point Park in Wenatchee. The picnic will be held at Picnic Shelter #1, which is by the Swim Beach and Bathrooms. Bring your lawn chair and a side dish.

Menu for the day typically includes burgers, brats, and fresh corn-on-the-cob, accompanied by potluck side dishes, desserts, sodas and water.

We’ll have games, raffles, good food and camaraderie.
Hope to see you there!