2020-21 Officers Elected

Even in the midst of a pandemic, business must go on. We held a socially-distanced and masked-up meeting on 15 July to handle some of the most pressing business. Deceased members were honored, new members were approved, and our officers for the 2020-21 year were elected.

Brad Pieratt will continue to serve as Commander as our new Junior and Senior Vice learn the ropes. Senior Vice Jose Solis will mostly be in charge of the Youth Essay competitions and Voice of Democracy. Junior Vice Steve Johnson has been tasked with managing our Buddy Poppy program this year.

Dave Schwab remains our Quartermaster, with trustees Don Dent, Ed Reinfeld, and Gerald Anglin reviewing the details each quarter.

Sarah Simonson, the Douglas County Veteran Service Officer, has taken the reins as our Post Chaplain, allowing Larry Severin to step back and care for his family.

And I (Connie Hill) am still Adjutant, Membership Chair, Webmaster, and Newsletter coordinator.

For our complete list, see [our Officers Page].