Being the “month for veterans” there was quite a bit we were involved in this past November… Here’s just a few tidbits…

Military/Veterans Night with the Wenatchee Wild
November 8th was the Annual Veterans and Military Appreciation Night with the Wenatchee Wild at the Town Toyota Center (TTC). The team donated free tickets to veterans, first responders, and their families to watch a match between our Wild and the Red Deer Rebels from the Canadian Hockey League. We had about a dozen members in attendance and overall, there was a large crowd of veterans in attendance that night.
We brought our U.S. Navy Shore Patrol Jeep, Annabelle, and parked it right on the concourse inside the TTC. The jeep was a natural attractor to most of the military veterans in attendance that night. We made contact with 3 of them that were interested in joining our VFW mission to support all veterans and their families in our valley.
Presentation of our 2024 Patriot Award

The 2024 Patriot Award was presented to Chapel of the Valley manager Becky Cummins for their unwavering support and financial assistance to the mission of our Post. They sponsored our Washington Fallen Heroes entry to the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Parade, events we held at the Pybus Public Market, and the Annual Veteran’s Picnic. The Patriot Award is an award presented by the commander to a business or program that most significantly supports the mission of our Post throughout the year. Congratulation to all the people at Chapel of the Valley.
Veterans Day Buddy Poppies
On November 9th, the Post & Auxiliary collected over $3,300 during our Buddy Poppy Drive at 4 different retail locations in the valley. Thanks to all the volunteers that made this happen! Buddy Poppies are our main source of Veteran Relief funds that give us the capability to help military veterans and their families. Thank you also to those of you that donated to the fund.
Veterans Day Parade and BBQ

There was a good turnout of supporters at the 2024 Wenatchee Veteran’s Parade due to a respite from the normal wind, rain, and snow. We had our 1957 Shore Patrol Jeep in the mix of military vehicles and handed out stick flags along the route thanks to Comrade Jim Reece. After the parade, a free BBQ was hosted by the Wenatchee Valley Fire Department. There was music, resources for veterans, face painting for those interested in bringing their family, and artwork on display from our community’s children thanking veterans for their service and camaraderie of fellow veterans. Over 300 meals were served to our veteran community. Thanks WVFD!