Our Veterans Memorial is located in front of the Douglas County Law & Justice Center, at 100 19th Street NW, East Wenatchee. The Memorial features a series of flagpoles (all military branches are represented) and engraved paver stones with the names of area veterans or businesses/community organizations that support the project.
Stop by and visit sometime!
The Pavers

Businesses interested in supporting the construction and maintenance of this memorial are encouraged to do so by purchasing a paver to help with those costs. This allows us to recognize your support.
Any Veteran, family member, friend, supporter or business may purchase a memorial paving stone to honor veterans. Available pavers vary in size: 4.5″ x 9″ | 9″ x 9″ | 18″ x 18″ | 24″ x 24″
To purchase a paver, please download the applicable form below, print it out, complete it, and return to us with payment information. If you have any questions about how to complete the form, what can be included, or anything else related to the Veterans Memorial, please contact us via phone 509.884.3617 or use the Contact Form on this site.
​Veterans, Family members, Friends – please use this form.
Businesses or Organizations – please use this form.
The History
The discussion about building a Veterans Memorial started nearly 20 years ago, and has gone through a number of design ideas and potential locations before the timing, spacing, and funding were just right. In late 2018, we coordinated with Douglas County as they built out the new Law & Justice Center, and were able to include our Memorial in front of their new building.
The Result