Earlier this year, the East Wenatchee Police Department (EWPD) moved to its new location at the corner of Simon St and Rock Island Rd in East Wenatchee. One thing that was missing at their new facility was a flagpole. In a project started by the East Wenatchee Rotary, in conjunction … More Flagpole Dedication at East Wenatchee Police Station
Flagpole Dedication at East Wenatchee Police Station
Auxiliary Hosts Hospital Equipment Drive for KC Help
On Saturday, March 23rd, the Auxiliary members of the Wenatchee Valley VFW will be accepting donations of durable medical equipment (DME) like wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower aids, bed tables, and toilet risers. We are collecting items that are vital to our community members as they transition from a hospital stay … More Auxiliary Hosts Hospital Equipment Drive for KC Help
Supporting the new WHS Air Force Junior ROTC program
In November of 2021, Wenatchee High School (WHS) received approval from the United States Airforce to offer an Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC) program starting in August for the 2022-23 school year. Not only is this program the first of its kind in the Wenatchee Valley (the nearest ROTC program … More Supporting the new WHS Air Force Junior ROTC program
Parade for Sgt Fred Holsonbake
On April 17th, our Post & Auxiliary joined with other patriotic citizens as we gathered to wish Mr. Fred Holsonbake of Wenatchee a happy 100th birthday with a car parade in front of his home. A lineup of police cars and fire trucks led the parade with the Wenatchee High … More Parade for Sgt Fred Holsonbake
Updates from the Auxiliary
Our Auxiliary is constantly working on some new project and staying busy serving our veterans and our community. In the last few months, the Auxiliary has: There will be plenty more opportunities for our Auxiliary and Post members to connect and do good for our local community, veterans and their … More Updates from the Auxiliary
Centennial Dinner – 29 March 2022
On 29 March 2022, we celebrated 100 years of “doing more for veterans” as the centennial anniversary of our Post’s charter date arrived. Nearly 30 comrades and sisters gathered at Olive Garden on Tuesday evening for a few toasts, a dinner, and some friendly chatter. We had our POW/MIA table … More Centennial Dinner – 29 March 2022
Why I Joined – Shirley Lance
“Ten years ago my husband (Curt) and I moved to East Wenatchee to be closer to our family but not on the west side of the mountains. After driving through the Wenatchee area at Christmas we decided it was the right place for us. We happened to move walking distance … More Why I Joined – Shirley Lance
Why I Joined – Steve Johnson
“At a street fair in 1997, I was challenged by a VFW Recruiter as to why I had never joined the VFW. I told him no one ever asked. We talked about the local programs the organization sponsored. The activities sounded interesting so I thought that I would try it … More Why I Joined – Steve Johnson
Pangborn Flag replacement
A couple years ago, VFW Post 3617 adopted the duties of lowering and raising the 20′ x 30′ flag at the Pangborn traffic circle in East Wenatchee. These duties were previously handled by the Douglas County facilities department. Volunteer members of our Post replaced this flag on 18 August 2021. … More Pangborn Flag replacement
Helping the Homeless stay warm
On Saturday, 30 January, a group of our Auxiliary members handed out warm clothing items to community members at the weekly Lighthouse meal and food bank distribution event. One member, Judi Ebi, had crocheted 12 hats explicitly for this purpose. Other members of the Auxiliary collected hats, gloves, scarves, socks, … More Helping the Homeless stay warm