On 27 May 2021, VA announced two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia. 1] VA will begin implementing provisions of the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283), adding … More Toxic Exposures news
Toxic Exposures news
SAVE LIVES Act Signed into Law
“WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden signed the SAVE LIVES Act into law today, expanding VA’s legal authority to provide COVID-19 vaccines to all Veterans, regardless of their VA health care enrollment status, as well as Veteran spouses, caregivers and some beneficiaries. “The SAVE LIVES Act removed some of the legal limits on the … More SAVE LIVES Act Signed into Law
Spreading Valentine’s Cheer
Through 4 different efforts, members of our Auxiliary brought a lot of cheer to veterans for Valentine’s Day this year. One member, Dee, coordinated with Grace Lutheran church to create and gift about 130 Valentines to frontline COVID workers at our local hospital. Auxiliary President Shirley Lance received over 200 … More Spreading Valentine’s Cheer
Helping the Homeless stay warm
On Saturday, 30 January, a group of our Auxiliary members handed out warm clothing items to community members at the weekly Lighthouse meal and food bank distribution event. One member, Judi Ebi, had crocheted 12 hats explicitly for this purpose. Other members of the Auxiliary collected hats, gloves, scarves, socks, … More Helping the Homeless stay warm
Auxiliary Holiday Activity
This holiday season, our Auxiliary wanted to send a simple gift to those residing in local assisted living facilities, so they got crafty. Auxiliary member Dee Johnson came across the pattern for these felt mice and thought it would be an easy project for spreading a little extra holiday cheer. … More Auxiliary Holiday Activity
Announcing 2020 Youth Essay Winners
We were excited to receive several entries into our Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen youth scholarship programs this fall, even though the majority of students were being taught at home. We are proud to announce our winners! The theme for this year’s Voice of Democracy Patriotic Audio Essay contest … More Announcing 2020 Youth Essay Winners
Adapting to the new restrictions
Due to our increased posture for the pandemic and new restrictions statewide, the November post meeting originally scheduled for this Wednesday is canceled. Also, any informal gatherings at the Post are shut down until further notice. The Douglas County Veteran Service Officer, whose office is within our building, will be … More Adapting to the new restrictions
FEDVIP Open Enrollment
Open Season for Uniformed Service Members is closely approaching, and we wanted to ensure that eligible members have the information they need. Due to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, retired uniformed service members and their families, who were previously eligible for the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program … More FEDVIP Open Enrollment
Riverway Recognized for Patriotism
Riverway Contractors put on a display of US Flags utilizing some of their equipment on a highly visible hillside near Hwy 28 for the Independence Day weekend. It certainly inspired some patriotic feelings in members of our community. Because of that, we felt it appropriate to recognize them for it. … More Riverway Recognized for Patriotism
2020-21 Officers Elected
Even in the midst of a pandemic, business must go on. We held a socially-distanced and masked-up meeting on 15 July to handle some of the most pressing business. Deceased members were honored, new members were approved, and our officers for the 2020-21 year were elected. Brad Pieratt will continue … More 2020-21 Officers Elected